Christ Presbyterian Church is a progressive, inclusive, evolutionary Christian Community that values the unique quality of your spiritual journey toward a more authentic life.

A progressive, inclusive, evolutionary Christian community
We are a diverse community of people who takes seriously the Protestant ideal of “reformed and always reforming.” The Gospel, or good news of God’s kingdom (or kindom), is lived in the “now,” where God’s Spirit is ever creating anew and inviting us to wider circles of inclusiveness. We are part of an evolving universe, with a role to play in the future of all creation. We value the historical person of Jesus and the Christian visioning of Christ as one who reveals the divine incarnation in all of life. Our sense of community is authentically Christian in that it seeks to provide safe space for exploring our spirituality and questioning our worldviews in ways that respect all spiritual traditions while honoring Christianity as our primary spiritual path.

That values the unique quality of your spiritual journey
We acknowledge that the spiritual quest is central to our experience of life. Each of us is a unique expression of the eternal, uncreated divine existence that manifests itself in us. Our longing to know and live that divine life unfolds in the character and quality of a journey. We are committed to accompanying one another on that journey.

Toward a more authentic life
We are encouraged by the prospect of and invitation to higher and deeper realizations of divine presence in our lives, issuing in fuller and more authentic lives of wisdom, compassion, self-awareness, and service. This is the quest for which we were created.


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