The Sanctuary

To see beauty in even the most common things in life is to see God, to give expression to the beauty within us is to worship God. At Christ Presbyterian Church we have a deep appreciation for the aesthetics of worship and the spiritual life. The sanctuary of Christ Presbyterian Church is simple and intimate. The windows of our chancel look out on the mountains that form the southern wall of Telluride’s canyon. The chancel furniture has recently been refinished, and new candlestands have been added. At the back of the sanctuary are credenzas that allow our gathering for fellowship after services and seasonal banners adorn the wall.


The Windows

Our windows range from special gifts of doves, flowers, and mountains to various cross designs above the side windows. Where else will you find church windows that feature a musket and powder horn. We think that the intent was to express our pioneer background. Of course the most important windows are behind the chancel, clear windows that look out on the southern mountains of our canyon, and the inspiration for our logo.


The Miner’s Fireplace

When the new sanctuary was built in the 1960’s, a hearth was installed as a reminder of the family-gathering nature of the church. The miners brought in rare stones and crystals to adorn the face of the hearth.


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